The Request
Microsoft: please enhance Excel such that I can
- Retrieve and manipulate Custom Document Properties using only Formulas (no macros required) in the same way that can be found using Word’s Insert > QuickParts > Field functionality.
- Insert these same custom document properties into the header/footer section of a worksheet.
Microsoft Word
For example, in Word, I can choose Insert > Quick Parts > Field > DocProperty. Then choose any document property maintained and insert a reference to it.
![prop01 prop01](
Limitation of Microsoft Excel
Unfortunately, in Excel a macro must be written in order to retrieve values from the CustomDocumentProperties collection. A formula can then reference this macro. In a corporate network with any sort of security policy, this means that users must “enable the macros” for this to function properly.
Function GetProperty(PropertyName As String, PropertySet As PropertyLocation, _
Optional WhatWorkbook As Workbook) As Variant
Further, I’m unable to insert any auto-updated values into the footer of an Excel worksheet other than the handful of values pre-defined by Microsoft: page number, date/time, sheet name, etc. In order for this to occur, I need yet another macro to execute Before_Print.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) With Worksheets("Sheet1").PageSetup .CenterFooter = GetProperty(“Issue.Header.Id”, 2) End With End SubCode found by doing a Google search for excel formula in footer.
I’d like to see efforts made to improve the functionality of these items in the next release of Microsoft Excel.